Reducing paperwork for construction companies

Norway Construction

Client And Product

Svenn is a platform that helps construction companies with time tracking and project management. They aim to minimize inefficient routines, billing delays, and unnecessary paperwork with a platform tailored for the construction industry.


The Client wanted their customers to be able to customize almost every aspect of the report, including being able to filter by material, types of work, vacations, overtime, etc. An old database with some of that data was available, but it needed to be transferred to a new platform and revalidated. Additionally, the system was meant to have multiple user roles: User, Manager, Company Admin, and Super Admin, each with their own restrictions and abilities. The need to implement flexible billing in terms of company size and time worked was another major point.

Job Done

Our team has been participating in all development phases. We build the whole AWS-based infrastructure with cost-effective and adjustable infrastructure. The solution allows developers to track their efficiency and track the progress of construction.


With the new time-tracking platform, Svenn was able to capture a unique market niche and attract over 2,900 customers from 45 countries. The company now provides an attractive solution for construction companies. These features give Svenn customers a definitive advantage when it comes to accounting and doing business. Svenn is an attractive solution for small businesses, allowing them to spend more time on non-administrative tasks.

Implemented Features

  • Build an AWS-based platform that can be integrated with ERP systems

  • Cover the infrastructure via code using Terraform and Terraform Cloud.

  • Developing Local Development Environment for the development team

  • Develop PR-based environment solutions which increased development and testing processes. The solution launches a copy of the service based on the GIT Pull Request.

  • Migrate old PHP monolithic applications into the ECS dockerized architecture and setup auto-scaling

  • Setup CDN for frontend services using CloudFront

  • Set up comprehensive monitoring with anomaly detection and proactive incident resolution.

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