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Using AWS and Azure Resource Creation with Terraform

7 mins

Andrii Protsenko

Resource Manager

Terraform is an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that automates AWS and Azure resource provisioning with consistency and scalability. It enables efficient resource management, dependency handling, and integration with CI/CD workflows. By using Terraform, organizations streamline cloud infrastructure, reduce errors, and enhance automation for secure and scalable deployments.

Understanding Terraform and Azure and AWS Resource Creation


What is Terraform?

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code tool that enables infrastructure engineers and operators to define and provision cloud resources using a declarative configuration language. Terraform allows for the creation, modification, and destruction of infrastructure resources in a safe and repeatable manner.

Why Use Terraform for AWS and Azure Resource Creation?

Using Terraform for AWS and Azure resource creation offers several benefits:

  • Terraform enables you to define AWS and Azure resources as code, providing a versionable and maintainable representation of your infrastructure. This allows for infrastructure automation, reproducibility, and scalability.
  • Terraform ensures consistency by creating resources exactly as specified in the configuration. It provides a repeatable process for resource creation, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring predictable results.
  • Terraform automatically manages dependencies between resources, ensuring the correct order of resource provisioning. This eliminates the need for manual coordination and streamlines the creation of complex infrastructures.
  • Terraform’s state management keeps track of resource configurations and enables intelligent updates. It only modifies the necessary resources, minimizing the time and resources required for infrastructure changes.

Provisioning Azure and AWS Resources with Terraform

Setting up the Azure/AWS Provider

To begin provisioning Azure or AWS resources with Terraform, you need to configure the corresponding provider. This involves authenticating with Azure and specifying the subscription for Azure and setting up AWS credentials, specifying the region, and defining the provider block for AWS in your Terraform configuration.

Defining Azure Resources in Terraform Configuration

Using the Terraform configuration language, you can define various Azure resources such as virtual machines, storage accounts, networking components, databases, and more. Here are a few examples:

Creating an Azure Virtual Machine:

resource “azurerm_virtual_machine” “example” {

  name = “example-vm”

  location = “West Europe”

  resource_group_name =

  vm_size = “Standard_DS2_v2”


  storage_image_reference {

    publisher = “Canonical”

    offer     = “UbuntuServer”

    sku       = “18.04-LTS”

    version   = “latest”



  os_disk {

    name              = “example-osdisk”

    caching           = “ReadWrite”

    storage_account_type = “Standard_LRS”



  admin_username = “adminuser”

  admin_password = “password123”



Provisioning an Azure Storage Account:

resource “azurerm_storage_account” “example” {

  name = “examplestorage”

  resource_group_name =

  location = “West Europe”

  account_tier = “Standard”

  account_replication_type = “LRS”

  tags = {

    Environment = “Production”




Creating an Azure Virtual Network:

resource “azurerm_virtual_network” “example” {

  name = “example-vnet”

  address_space = [“”]

  location = “West Europe”

  resource_group_name =

  subnet {

    name = “example-subnet”

    address_prefix = “”




In this example, we create an Azure Virtual Network using the azurerm_virtual_network resource. We define the name, address space, location, and associate it with an existing resource group. Additionally, we specify a subnet within the virtual network.


Provisioning an Azure App Service:

resource “azurerm_app_service” “example” {

  name = “example-appservice”

  location = “West Europe”

  resource_group_name =

  app_service_plan_id =


  site_config {

    app_command_line = “”

    dotnet_framework_version = “v5.0”

    linux_fx_version = “DOCKER|nginx”

    java_version = “11”



  app_settings = {

    “ENVIRONMENT” = “production”





In this example, we provision an Azure App Service using the azurerm_app_service resource. We specify the name, location, associated resource group, and the ID of the app service plan. We also define the site configuration, including the framework versions, Linux FX version, and Java version. Additionally, we set the app settings using key-value pairs.


Creating an Azure SQL Database:

resource “azurerm_sql_database” “example” {

  name = “example-database”

  resource_group_name =

  location = “West Europe”

  server_name =

  edition = “Standard”

  compute_model = “Serverless”

  auto_pause_delay = 60

  tags = {

    Environment = “Production”





Creating an Azure Cosmos DB Account:

resource “azurerm_cosmosdb_account” “example” {

  name = “example-cosmosdb”

  location = “West Europe”

  resource_group_name =

  offer_type = “Standard”

  kind = “GlobalDocumentDB”

  consistency_policy {

    consistency_level = “Session”




Here, we create an Azure Cosmos DB account using the azurerm_cosmosdb_account resource. We define the name, location, associated resource group, offer type, and the kind of Cosmos DB account. Additionally, we set the consistency policy to “Session”.

These examples illustrate how Terraform can be used to provision a variety of Azure resources. With Terraform’s declarative syntax, you can easily define and manage complex infrastructure deployments, leveraging the full range of Azure services.

Defining AWS Resources in Terraform Configuration

Using the Terraform configuration language, you can define various AWS resources such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, IAM roles, VPCs, and more. Here are a few examples:


Provisioning an EC2 Instance:

resource “aws_instance” “example” {

  ami = “ami-0c94855ba95c71c99”

  instance_type = “t2.micro”

  key_name = “my-keypair”

  subnet_id = “subnet-0123456789abcdef0”




Creating an S3 Bucket:

resource “aws_s3_bucket” “example” {

  bucket = “my-terraform-bucket”

  acl = “private”



Configuring an AWS Lambda Function

resource “aws_lambda_function” “example” {


  function_name = “example-lambda-function”

  runtime = “python3.8”

  handler = “main.lambda_handler”

  role = aws_iam_role.lambda_exec.arn

  source_code_hash = filebase64sha256(“”)


  environment {

    variables = {

      ENVIRONMENT = “production”






In this example, we configure an AWS Lambda function using the aws_lambda_function resource. We specify the function name, runtime, handler, IAM role, and the source code package. We also define environment variables for the Lambda function.

After defining the desired AWS resources in your Terraform configuration file, you can run “terraform init” to initialize the Terraform environment and download the necessary provider plugins. Then, execute “terraform plan” to preview the changes that Terraform will make to your infrastructure. Finally, run “terraform apply” to apply the changes and provision the AWS resources.

Advanced Azure and AWS Resource Management with Terraform

Managing Resource Dependencies

Terraform automatically manages dependencies between resources, ensuring that resources are provisioned in the correct order. For example, you can specify that a virtual machine or EC2 instance depends on an existing virtual network or VPC, and Terraform will handle the ordering of the resource creation accordingly.

Using Variables and Modules

Terraform supports the use of variables and modules, allowing you to parameterize your configurations and create reusable infrastructure components. Variables enable flexibility and customization, while modules enable the encapsulation and reuse of Terraform configurations.

Infrastructure as Code Workflows

With Terraform, you can adopt Infrastructure as Code workflows, including version control, collaboration, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices. Storing your Terraform configurations in a version control system, such as Git, enables versioning, code reviews, and collaborative development.


Recap of Terraform for Azure Resource Creation

Terraform simplifies resource deployment by providing a declarative approach to Infrastructure as Code. It allows you to define, provision, and manage a wide range of Azure and AWS resources using a consistent and scalable methodology.

Benefits and Opportunities

By using Terraform for Azure and AWS resource creation, organizations can leverage Infrastructure as Code practices, streamline resource provisioning, and enhance the scalability and reliability of their Azure and AWS infrastructures. Terraform’s declarative approach, combined with the extensive capabilities of Azure and AWS services, empowers organizations to build robust, scalable, and secure cloud environments.

Embracing Terraform for Azure and AWS Resource Creation

Embrace Terraform as a powerful tool for creating and managing resources. Follow best practices, explore the Terraform documentation and community resources, and leverage the rich ecosystem of Azure and AWS services. With Terraform, organizations can streamline their infrastructure creation, enhance collaboration, and unlock the benefits of automation and scalability in the Azure and AWS cloud.

In Apprecode we are always ready to consult you about implementing DevOps methodology. Please contact us for more information.


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