5 Common DevOps Mistakes to Avoid for Successful Implementation


To address problems with software delivery, the majority of firms are moving toward embracing DevOps. Cost, speed, and quality are all factors that affect difficulty.

DevOps is centered on merging development (Development), operation (Operation), and activity automation to address these issues. Although DevOps frequently substantiates the benefits asserted, there are various lessons that individuals who use DevOps learn for themselves.


Let's examine 5 errors to avoid when using DevOps.


Definition of DevOps


It's critical to comprehend what DevOps is before talking about the dos and don'ts of applying DevOps.

There are numerous definitions, but let's keep it brief: In order to foster a culture of communication, process improvement, and the creation of technologies and tools, DevOps involves the interaction and automation of development, operations, and quality control processes.

The key component of this definition is automation, which enables you to use DevOps best practices and ultimately get a number of advantages, such as:


  • Faster time to market and feedback

  • Increasing customer satisfaction

  • Increasing the ability to create the right solutions

  • Higher product quality

  • More reliable releases

  • Productivity increase

  • Reducing costs and risks


Security, integrated tools, test and quality automation, agile thinking, a collaborative culture, and continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous system deployment are other critical considerations (continuous deployment).



Mistake #1: Thinking Either-Or About People, Processes, or Technology


Businesses need to make three improvements in order to address the issues related to the creation and delivery of modern software: people, processes, and technology.

People and processes are intertwined because corporate culture is defined by processes and systems. For instance, inconsistent processes result in a clear division between teams like Dev (Development) and Ops (Operations). Monolithic designs, physical servers, and waterfall techniques are more examples of old processes and technologies.


In contrast, contemporary approaches emphasize teamwork and product emphasis. More agility in processes is required, along with continuous delivery and automation everywhere. Ultimately, new technologies like serverless, microservices, APIs, clouds, and containers should be adopted.



People, procedures, and technologies used by businesses of all sizes range from the conventional to the cutting edge.

Focusing on just one or two of them is a mistake. Companies frequently attempt to "boil the seas" without getting the desired outcomes.

All three are necessary for DevOps: agile methods, culture change, and new technologies.

Organizations can only ensure efficient collaboration and product direction with such a strategic approach. Teams may satisfy their internal and external clients while achieving their aim of a continual supply of new features, upgrades, and problem fixes.


Mistake #2: Focus on Dev or Ops


Companies frequently query whether processes are activity- or development-oriented. This is a result of the classic conflict between operational and development aims.

The main goals of developers are to construct software, integrate systems, and work quickly. On the other hand, operations teams seek stability, security, and control, none of which are typically associated with speed.

Organizations make a mistake when they decide to focus only on Dev or focus all their efforts on Ops.

By DevOps, it is intended to increase cooperation between these two groups. Organizations that acknowledge the friction and split between Dev and Ops and promote team collaboration can achieve this.

Everyone strives to achieve the same objective, which is to provide high-quality software quickly while lowering costs and risks for the organization and its customers.


Mistake #3: Lack of Deployment Strategies


Deployment techniques may or may not be learned and applied by a business, depending on its stage of the DevOps transformation.

These tactics emphasize risk control and high-quality deployments. Processes and assistive technology are both used for this.

Among the deployment techniques are A/B, Blue/Green, and Canary. Every single one of them is aware that not all sorts of change adhere to the same standards.

Using them entails testing adjustments to ensure their quality and putting them into practice with assurance. Continuous experiments allow for the repetition of this process.

Less downtime and lower risk are advantages of rapid, regulated deployment of changes to existing conditions. On a larger scale, businesses are becoming more effective by providing their end users with high-quality improvements more frequently.

Although adopting deployment methodologies may not be your first step when implementing DevOps, it would be a mistake to ignore the advantages of doing so as your DevOps implementation progresses.



Mistake #4: Focusing only on cost savings


Any transaction or procedure in the world of information technology involves discussion of the outcome. At first sight, investing in DevOps could appear expensive and frightening, yet ROI can be obtained rapidly.

Saving money should not be the main objective, though.

The decrease in manual work and scripting is one of the key advantages of DevOps. Indeed, less manual labor lowers expenses while also reducing human error. This decreases the possibility of deployment interruptions and saves time by decreasing deployment-related mistakes and subsequent debugging.

Automation also accelerates and multiplies the frequency of software delivery. By doing this, you can stay ahead of your rivals and the rapidly expanding industry as a whole.

Reducing tiresome manual tasks increases employee happiness and retention. Developers can now pursue their passion for development.

These advantages will enable you to save money over time. Employee productivity increases, products/changes are better, end consumers are happier, and you don't have to spend money on employing new staff when workers are happier and more productive.


Mistake #5: Failing to Launch or Apply the Big Bang Theory


The largest DevOps failure tactic is to never begin. Even though it could seem like a massive, scary endeavor, keep in mind that the term "DevOps" has many diverse meanings. The majority of businesses are embracing DevOps.

Because you're not as competitive, you might be losing business. Maybe you overthink things and avoid making commitments, whether they be of time or money.

The following step is everything. Avoid waiting. The risks of doing nothing are far greater than those of beginning.

Perform one exact action at a time. Partition the problem domain. With new DevOps techniques, begin learning and keep learning. The adoption of DevOps at a mature level will shortly follow these actions.

On the other hand, some people make the error of going overboard in their efforts to deploy and improve a DevOps strategy (i.e. like the big bang theory).

Because many businesses that have taken this route have failed in their implementation, it is not as common as it once was. These failures highlighted the value of a staged strategy.


The biggest barrier to DevOps


Three clients discuss the major challenges they encountered when switching to DevOps in this video.


Each customer has a different way of describing the difficulties involved in change management. While implementing new procedures and technologies is crucial, don't overlook the third factor—people. It's crucial to persuade others inside your company to devote their time and effort to improving DevOps.


In conclusion, DevOps can be a powerful approach for streamlining software development processes and improving overall quality. However, it's essential to avoid common mistakes that can hinder effectiveness. By defining clear goals, prioritizing security, communication, and collaboration, balancing tooling with people and processes, and focusing on continuous improvement, DevOps teams can maximize their effectiveness and achieve their goals.


In Apprecode we are always ready to consult you about implementing DevOps methodology. Please contact us for more information.


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